CEVA is committed to develop sustainable solutions with the help of digital technologies: enhancing visibility, transparency and awareness on carbon emissions from logistics is one our commitment. CEVA Eco Calculator allows you to estimate a logistics carbon footprint of a shipment via ocean, air or ground.
The information provided is indicative only. CEVA ECO Calculator is based on our partner Searoutes, company developing within the ZeBox, CMA CGM incubator. Searoutes methodology is accredited by the Smart Freight Center.
CEVA offers you better ways to handle your supply chain and becoming more sustainable through more balanced economic exchanges, respectful of every human being and the planet.
We believe that sustainability is everyone’s job and that it is the foundation of good management practice, contributing to the long-term success of the company and better risk-adjusted returns for customers.
We offer you different green and sustainable solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of your supply chain: Green Ocean services, Eco-Skies Alliance, Solar Energy powered warehouses, etc.
Over the past few years, we have taken many initiatives to ensure we live our commitment to developing sustainable solutions and ways of doing business; these initiatives include;
Find out more about our Sustainability approach and our Carbon footprint commitment.